All our guests are welcome to use the amenities in the common area and kitchen.
共用エリア | Common Area
- テレビラウンジ | Tatami mat TV lounge
- シャワー | 2 showers (body wash, shampoo, and conditioner)
- トイレ | 3 toilets (western style)
- 洗面台・ヘアドライヤー | Double vanity with outlets for electric shavers and hair dryers (provided)
- 洗濯機・乾燥機 | Washer and dryer (charge per use; laundry detergent included)
- ロッカー | Small locker for personal items
共用キッチン | Shared Kitchen
- 冷蔵庫 | Refrigerator
電子レンジ | Microwave oven
- オーブントースター | Toaster oven
- 紅茶・コーヒー | Complimentary tea and coffee
- 食器類 | Cutlery (silverware), dishes, and cups
- 調味料 | Cooking essentials (oil, salt and pepper)