富士吉田市 | Fujiyoshida City




Fujiyoshida city is the home of many famous attractions, including several Mt. Fuji World Heritage components; the  Yoshida Trail, Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja, Oshi-no-machi, and Yoshida Tainai Lava Tree Mold. Also located in Fujiyoshida city is the iconic Chureito pagoda often seen photographed with Mt. Fuji during Cherry Blossoms (Sakura) blooming season. The photo spot is located in Arakurayama Sengen Park, 15 minutes walk from our hostel.

Mt. Fuji World Heritage Components

sengen北口本宮冨士浅間神社 | Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja


Located in the north-east of Mt. Fuji, the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja is a designated cultural landmark of Fujiyoshida city.


togawa御師町 | Oshi-no-machi


There are several historic buildings in the Oshi-no-machi area. The Former House of the Togawa Family (shown in photo) is the main attraction.



フォトスポット | Photo Spot

忠霊塔 | Chureito Pagoda


Other Attractions

富士急ハイランド | Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park





Fuji-Q Highland features multiple world class thrilling roller coaster rides, kids attractions and rides (Thomas Land and HaMuHaMu Kingdom), haunted houses, and for fans of Evangelion, Evangelion:World.

fujisanmuseum富士山ミュージアム | Fujisan Museum


ふじさんミュージアム-富士吉田市歴史民俗博物館-では、メインテーマとして富士山信仰に関する資料を展示するとともに、広範囲に及ぶ世界文化遺産の中核 をなす富士吉田市域の構成資産や、いつ富士山とともに歩んできた本市の歴史・民俗・産業を紹介しています。「人はなぜ富士山にひきつけられるのか?」「富 士山はなぜ信仰の山になったのか?」今も昔も変わることなく人びとから愛される富士山について、誰もが気軽に楽しく学ぶことができ、富士山の魅力を余すこ となく感じることができるミュージアムです。

Learn all about Mt. Fuji, its history and heritage, folk tales, stories of climbing expeditions, and much more at the Fujisan Museum.

富士山レーダードーム館 | Mt. Fuji Radar Domeradardome


Just across the street from the Fujisan Museum, at the Mt. Fuji Radar Dome you can learn about the weather radar and weather observation, experience the cold climate at the summit of Mt. Fuji, and see the huge radar (retired) and dome.

温泉 | Onsen (Hot Spring)

While you are in Fujiyoshida city, enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji while you relax in one of the outdoor hot spring.